So for a Pinterest project, I've decided to create a "Happy Jar", or the "Ultimate Perspective Jar" or the "Stop-complaining-about-life-and-look-at-all-of-these-amazing-things-that-have-happened-to-you Jar", whichever you prefer.
I cant take credit for this idea, I found it on pinterest, and the blog that it was pinned off of is no longer in existence, so I cannot give them proper credit. But here is how it works:
- Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen.
- Then, on New Years Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.
How cool is this?! I absolutely love it, and can not wait to start it- I'm going to start off with the new year, although I did a few just to see what it would look like. At the end of 2016, I am going to put all the notes in a scrapbook :)
I think, as people, we have a tendency to only remember the extremely bad things, or only the extraordinary things. Although I think both things are important to remember, I also feel that there are so many more days in the year with these significant little moments of happiness that should also be reminisced upon. And I'm so glad that this year I'm going to do just that :). I already have a few things in my jar, and will be changing notepad colors by month (So far, Feb is pink and March is green. I know I know, Im such a sucker for cliches)
Until next time.
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